big problem:
Company impacted by ransomware.
big thinking:
Restore system on-site and avoid six-figure ransom.
Adam J. Goode CPA
In a business world of rapidly changing economic conditions and legislation, organizations are challenged more than ever before to remain current, informed and insightful.
Our team of dedicated consultants are experienced across a wide scope of specialties, allowing us to help our clients make more informed business decisions across every facet of their operations.
Premier consulting services in the areas of corporate restructuring and debt financing
Real-world experience and professional expertise allows us to provide our clients with service excellence in a broad range of valuation service
Helping clients make informed decisions regarding capital expenditures, buying, selling or simply to better prepare for the future
Providing market compensation data to aid in an organization's compensation setting process
We have the professional credentials and experience you need to assist you with your caseload
We can assist you in designing a fraud mitigation program that fits your needs and helps to alleviate your concerns
Problem-solving through data analysis to quantify value and identify missed opportunities for our clients
Providing a comprehensive scope of accounting services for conservatorships, guardianships, estates and trusts
Investigations include suspicions or allegations of fraud, asset misappropriation, waste, mismanagement or misuse of funds, or white-collar crime
Providing as-needed, part-time or full-time support to your accounting and finance needs
We provide strategic, operational and financial analysis solutions designed to improve performance and create value.
Maximizing the value of a business is an integrated effort that involves nearly everyone within an organization
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[email protected]
p: 412.261.3644
f: 412.261.4876
[email protected]
p: 614.621.4060
f: 614.621.4062
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p: 571.380.9003